Welcome to Gunadarma University

Basis of Establishment

The Department of International Collaboration and Relaltion at Universitas Gunadarma is a unit to support the achievement of the Vision and Mission of Universitas Gunadarma.


In 2027 Universitas Gunadarma will become a private university with a global orientation and contribute to sustainable development through good governance. global orientation and contribute to sustainable development through adaptive, transformative, and innovative governance and tri dharma of tertiary education.governance and tri dharma of higher education that is adaptive, transformative, and innovative in supporting national competitiveness. to support national competitiveness.


Organizing innovative and transformative educational processes to produce superior human resources that support the advanced Indonesia program in the digital ecosystem; Organizing research activities that encourage the development and dissemination of scientific science and technology at the national and international levels; Organizing community service activities that support the improvement of the quality of life of the community, the national economy, and the society. improving the quality of life of the community, the national economy, and environmental preservation in a balanced and sustainable manner. That is balanced and sustainable; Organizing national and international partnerships that support the strengthening of national identity, and national identity in the global environment; Implementing good, modern, adaptive, and transformative university governance in the development of a multidisciplinary digital ecosystem. development of digital ecosystems that are multidisciplinary in nature to improve institutional performance.

Institutional Performance

The Vision and Mission emphasize international cooperation in an effort to to contribute 2009 to human life. Through the PTS Sehat grant Cooperation and International Affairs. The purpose of this special institution is In 2010 Universitas Gunadarma established a special Institute for Strengthening Work international networking. The Department for International Colaboration and Relations was established in accordance with the vision and mission of Universitas Gunadarma. With the existence of the Institute for Cooperation and International Affairs, it is possible to achieve the vision and mission of Universitas Gunadarma With the existence of the Institute for International Cooperation and Affairs, the achievement of the vision and mission can be more likely to be achieved.

The sustainability of international cooperation activities at Universitas Gunadarma is also supported by the institutional commitment and budget provision for bench-marking or international visits in order to explore international collaborations. Sustainability efforts are also supported by the completeness of procedures or SOPs that serve as a reference for the implementation of activities by related units.


The Department for Collaboration and International Relation works at the University level, as a coordinating institution that synergies its activities with other work units, for example with related Department or Research Centers. Activities involving other work units are coordinated through a Task Force or Committee mechanism per activity.

Main Responsibilities

The Department of International Collaboration and Relations responsible for coordinating and handling matters related to international networking, including international students, lecturers or researchers and handling international cooperation. Whether international cooperation in education, industry or other fields.

Another responsibility is to take the initiative, bridging international cooperation. But of course, international cooperation can happen better if there is high trust from partners. Therefore, the Institute for International Cooperation and Affairs also has the responsibility to cooperate with industry and government agencies to improve its international reputation.

By improving its reputation, international partners will have high confidence in Universitas Gunadarma and will not hesitate to start cooperation. The Deparment of International Collaboration and Relations will assist in the preparation of cooperation including administrative work, coordination of implementation and monitoring of activities.

In addition, the IDeparment of International Collaboration and Relations is also responsible for encouraging and managing student and staff mobility programs. Universitas Gunadarma uses standards and curricula in accordance with international curricula and follows standards such as the Bologna process. Student exchange and visiting research programs are an effort to enhance the reputation and provide international experience for the academic community of Universitas Gunadarma