Welcome to Gunadarma University

Indonesia HUB Description

Indonesian Hub is an institution to accommodate a wide range of information provision, the activities of cooperation and collaboration in various domains, as well as other activities that contribute to both parties. These activities are expected to be beneficial to both countries, Indonesia and Uzbekistan. Indonesia Hub as a collaboration platform can be utilized to establish a better people-to-people relationship. Academic collaborations between students and lecturers can be persuaded to be more closed.

Indonesia Hub is an inisiative from Universitas Gunadarma in Collaboration with various partners. Universitas Gunadarma provides fundings for partners who are interested to establish Indonesia Hub in their premises. This grant can be utilized to create a better atmosphere in the Indonesia Hub. Partners also contribute rooms, furniture and varios equipment.

Partnes are higher degree institutions which have the initiatives to learn both Indonesian and Indonesian languages and cultures. Partner commits to provide a dedicated room that to be used as the Indonesian HUB. There is no minimum requirement for the space of the room. A physical presence that can be connected via online facilities to other Indonesia HUBs.

Universitas Gunadarma delivers books, audiovisual materials, and some decorations that create an Indonesian atmosphere. Universitas Gunadarma arranges for lecturers and visiting students from Universitas Gunadarma to visit Indonesia Hub Universitas Gunadarma also provides scholarships for internships in Indonesia with a duration of 3 months.

Researchers and lecturers from Indonesia (not just those from Universitas Gunadarma) can use the Indonesia Hub when they are visiting Uzbekistan to conduct research and develop activities.

This initiative is inspired by Goethe Institute, CCF (or IFI), Confucius Insitute. It has main mission to introduce Indonesia. Indonesia Hub provide Indonesian course for students in partner university or public. Collaboration with Indonesia Embassy (KBRI)